22 March 2010

incondite - badly put together; crude

Things I have been doing which are actually pretty cool:
-learned about my cousin's wedding, as well as her daughter's christening (same day for convenience to family travel plans; neat. eh?)
-my sister visited! saw her do her coaching thing, was able to gush properly about what is new in our lives and all
-started scheming super fun aesthetic expenditures: planning on making my hair crazily blue, mahogany, and bleached blonde... yeah, and probably gonna rock some crazy cyberpunk wear for Anime North instead of cosplaying

Things I have done as of late, even though they are of little consequence:
-cleaned/rearranged my room, as well as my hard drive
-read Scott Pilgrim 2 & 3, Batman: Year One, and the archives for The Non-Adventures of Wonderella as well as those of Girl Genius
-drooled over webcomic gear, such as rosalind's "Never fall in love with a red shirt" red shirt, countless book collections, and that giant T-Rex plushie abomination Ryan North is hawking
-watched Twilight, just because I could; yeah, the Cullens play baseball. Before a thunderstorm. So as to hide the sound of their hits and pitches and all. And the whole "sparkly" thing? So much more ridiculous than I expected. I hate to admit how much I loved this movie, simply because it was that... so very... whatever that was

Things I haven't been doing even though I should:
-concentrating on and allotting sufficient time for my papers and projects
-going to class enough (been sick and also recuperating from the time change)
-new things!

So that's that. I keep meaning to be useful, and efficient, and it isn't happening. One part of me is trying to be understanding, as I do tend to bite off more than I can chew, and work 16 hr weekends even when I have projects to work on, but another part of me is just getting so frustrated with my old habits and failings.
I mean, I keep saying to myself, "one day, you'll get it, and have it all under control" but, why can't 'one day' be *today*. That would be useful. Hopefully, I can prove myself to me over this week, as I have four papers to work on, and a fifth to do if possible. And then, classes will be wrapping up, and I have April to get my final studying and projects done. Point is, next week, I hope to make up for my failings on this project. I'm thinking I'll bug one of my rock wall climbing friends to take me (surprise, surprise) rock wall climbing.

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8/4/10 21:36

    my name is twilight
    and i am a dracula
