01 November 2010

panacea - a remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties; a cure-all

This week's inspiration comes from an odd place, specifically this link, c/o Time:

More importantly, this week's word was found using The Vocabula Review (http://www.vocabula.com/VRbestwords.asp) and their list of "best words". Delightful, no?

The original link about this adjusted bathing behavior made some forgettable comment about it being the latest thing spread by hipsters which is not some kind of disease (haha). Now, I am associated with hipsters often enough to not shy from the inescapable comparison, but really, my determination to join "the great unwashed" is nothing so trendy:
1) Environmental responsibility. Long, hot showers are one of my primary indulgences, and limiting them would allow me to walk the walk of the talk I already talk.
2) I'm lazy and miss showers a lot anyway. I may as well be clever about it; y'know, save time and still get by efficiently. Yada.
3) Preliminary research shows it may be assist in the fight against dry skin and eczema (I suffer from both).

Now the catch is: I don't really know how to go about this. Habit is hard to break, especially when that habit is a warm, inviting shower. On the plus side, I am already entrenched in talking to a few friends I have more experienced in this practice.

I'm also pretty psyched to have a fairly simple, practical "new thing" to call up, so as to get back into this habit (they are as hard to make as they are to break).

So the project starts today, with a baby step: when I shave my legs, I will do so sitting on the tub and using the faucet as needed, rather than while the shower is running. Shampooing will occur as normal today, mostly because it's essential to re-dying my hair. More research will follow in the near future, and I will report back on all my accomplishments or anecdotes.

Wish me well, oh floral-scented onlookers. And please, tell me if I start to smell.

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